Let’s Jump Back Into This, Shall We?

Remember us? – It’s Only Been Two Years!

In the words on my oldest (3.5), “OH MY COW”… It has been almost exactly 2 years since my last blog post. Why!? Well, long story short, I was pregnant, tired, and accidentally let my domain expire. Someone scooped it up and tried to sell it back to me for $1300. Obviously, that did not fit into my plan of financial responsibility or freedom, so I waited until they released it. I have now regained the purchase of the domain name redefinedrefuge.com (for $12) and ready to catch up on where we are at and where we are going!

So let’s catch up a bit in bullet point form:

  • We have been in our camper now for over 2 years (3 in September)
  • The biggest change we have had since my last post was the birth of our second baby boy, Zeke (Ezekiel) James. He is now a year and a half and YES we are ALL still in the camper. =)
  • The campground that we were parked at was sold and we are now parked at a friend’s farm
  • We are in the process of buying our land! Hopefully, we hear some specific numbers as well as terms.
  • We plan to buy the land to continue to park on for about two more years. In those two years, we plan to pay off more debt, including the land loan, and get our oldest out of daycare, freeing up even more income.
  • We began regularly donating plasma in February and have saved up $2700 to add to our land loan downpayment. It has been a great way for us to make extra money while helping with the plasma shortage. It’s a win-win!

So I just wanted to make a “we’re back” post to start off what will hopefully be a consistent flow of blog posts!

What questions do/have you had about our journey? I would love to answer some in the next blog post. Until then – here are a few snapshots of the boys in the camper during this quarantine!